Wyoming House Agriculture Committee Passes Country of Origin Placard Bill

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Media Contact: R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard

Phone: 406-252-2516; r-calfusa


Wyoming House Agriculture Committee Passes Country of Origin Placard Bill
Cheyenne, Wy. – Wyoming House Agriculture Committee just passed the Country of Origin Placard Bill by a vote of 6 to 3. The measure will now go to the Full House Floor later this week. The bill was sponsored by Representative Hans Hunt and Representative Cheri Steinmetz.

Speaking in favor of the bill was R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard, the Wyoming Farm Bureau, and the Powder River Resource Council. Speaking against the bill was NCBA affiliate Wyoming Stock Growers Association.

The bill would require all beef to be identified as to its origin with a sign located next to the beef in the grocery store. Only beef exclusively born, raised, and slaughtered in the United States would be eligible for the U.S.A. placard.


R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) is the largest producer-only cattle trade association in the United States. It is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle and sheep industries.