OCM: Spring 2016 Newsletter

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OCM Masthead
Organization for Competitive Markets April Special Edition 2015
Dear Mike,

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banker-295x180.jpgReaders keeping up with current vents can gather from the news that a couple of front runners in the US presidential race have something in common; It’s Goldman Sachs. I wasn’t invited, but unless it’s Warren Buffet I don’t know what anyone would talk about that could possibly be worth the $670,000 speakers fees Hillary collected from Goldman Sachs, just as I don’t know how I would justify asking to… more.
The Confession of an Outlaw – April 15, 1926
outlaw.jpgA crow sat on an old elm tree, and he was black as black could be I told him it was my belief that he was just an outlawed thief. "O yes, I am a thief." Said he, "but there are bigger thieves than me; its true, I eat a little corn, and chickens too just newly born; and all the farmers plainly know that I am just a robber crow. Old farmer Jones will sweat … more.

18th Annual Food and Agriculture Conference & Membership Meeting

A Pin Drop.
return-141x180.jpgOnce upon a time when our politicians did not tend to apologize for our country’s prior actions, here’s a refresher on how some of our former patriots handled negative comments about our great country. JFK’S Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, was in France in the early 60’s when DeGaulle decided to pull out of NATO. DeGaulle said he wanted all US military out of France as soon as possible. Rusk responded, "Does that… more.
joke-295x180.jpgI don’t get it. Admittedly, there are a lot of things in life I don’t understand, but one of the more puzzling phenomena is rancher’s support of the NCBA while the organization is doing everything possible to hurt American ranchers, including killing COOL. At the same time those ranchers seem to despise R CALF who has had the cattlemen’s back every step of the… more.
MO Bad News: NCBA, cattlemen’s worst nightmare, wants $1 increase in Beef Tax
HangingPoster4-15-page-001-295x180.jpgMike Callicrate owner of Callicrate Cattle Co. was recently interviewed by George Sholtz with Big Country 99 The Rooster (KUNQ) Assumed by its name to be an advocate for the cattle industry, the NCBA is actually the independent cattlemen’s worst nightmare and now want to increase the Missouri Beef Checkoff to $2. With its control of the Beef Checkoff Program, the NCBA is: Undermining every effort to restore competition to… more.
America Returns to the Jungle: A safe and secure food supply is essential to a free society
The United States was always able to feed itself. Except for a few non-essentials like coffee, tea and bananas, we were self-sufficient.

The British government, along with their corporate partner, the East India Company, saw unlimited potential to extract wealth through the American colonies. Our Founding Fathers, willing to fight for our freedom and sovereignty, risked their lives and the lives of many citizens, to save us from the servitude of the British Crown and East India Company plutocracy.

Foodopoly Lecture at Colorado College
YouTube Video

Wenonah Hauter informs us in her timely book, Foodopoly, that the U.S. is now a net food importer on a value basis. She also pulls back the curtain exposing the cartel of companies that now control America’s food supply – known as Big Food. How could this have happened in America?

Forty years ago, I graduated from Colorado State University. The curriculum taught that the U.S., with its vast resources, technology, and smart young leaders, would not only be feeding ourselves, but we would be feeding the world. Finance professors told students, "Don’t be afraid to borrow money (lots of it) – leverage is the key to success in the expanding and exciting field of agriculture."

Hopeful and energetic students weren’t prepared for anything other than a fair, open, and competitive marketplace. There were laws to keep markets fair and competitive. Suggesting that one company or even a small group of companies could control our food supply was inconceivable. Food was considered too important to allow anyone too much control over it. After all, farmers were scattered across America, producing all kinds of food in various ways and selling into local markets. The export market was too big and exciting to even … more

NCBA is the cattlemen’s worst nightmare

Assumed by its name to be an advocate for the cattle industry, the NCBA is actually the independent cattlemen’s worst nightmare.

With its control of the Beef Checkoff Program, the NCBA is:

  • Leading the attack against country of origin labeling (COOL)
  • Undermining every effort to restore competition to U.S. livestock markets.
  • Facilitating trade agreements that are lowering our U.S. food safety standards

Click here for the real history, download the poster and share!

The Organization for Competitive Markets is a national, non-profit public policy research organization headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. OCM believes we must work together, across all commodities, toward the common purpose of returning its food and agricultural sector to true supply-demand based competition. Competitive markets in agriculture is our goal, giving rise to the organization’s name. This concern transcends to the international level as international trade agreements threaten our national sovereignty while increasing the market power of global agri-businesses.


Pat Craycraft
Organization for Competitive Markets

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OCM is a membership-based research and advocacy organization.

We are the only national think tank focusing strictly on antitrust and trade policy in agriculture.

We are "pro-business" because we believe in free markets and the law of supply and demand to allocate resources properly.

We are "conservative" because we believe American values such as honesty and morality should be demanded of our businesses and politicians.

We are "liberal" because we believe government has a regulatory role to create and enforce the rules of doing business, thereby avoiding capitalism.

We are "populist" because we have determined our nation is made economically and culturally wealthy by preserving the ability of independent families to produce our food without fear of the economically dominant firms in agribusiness.

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Copyright © 2014 Organization For Competitive Markets All rights reserved

Disclaimer The opinions of the authors presented in our newsletter are their own and are not intended to imply the organizations position. OCM has membership with diverse viewpoints on all issues. OCM is committed to one and only one principal; competition.

Organization for Competitive Markets, P.O. Box 6486, Lincoln, NE 68506
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