WTO panel rules against U.S. on COOL: WSJ — Meatingplace
WTO panel rules against U.S. on COOL: WSJ
By Tom Johnston on 8/22/2014
A World Trade Organization (WTO) panel has sided with opponents of U.S. country-of-origin labeling law, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal, citing “sources familiar with the panel’s confidential report.”
Canada and Mexico have asked for the World Trade Organization’s help against new U.S. COOL rules, which they say are more restrictive and harmful to beef cattle and pigs imported into the U.S. than an earlier version of the legislation that was found to violate WTO rules. Third parties in the dispute include Brazil, China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea and New Zealand, Australia, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico.
“We all know what the report says. The U.S. lost,” one source told the WSJ.
Another said, “We do for a fact know that the ruling, when it is made public, will be in favor of Canada and Mexico.”
WTO rules give the United States 60 days to appeal from the date the report is published.
We should use the 60 days to name all of the politicians who voted into being governed by WTO. Get out the tar and feathers.
When the WTO says that countries can not make corporations name the country the products they sell have originated from, it is time to get out of this corporate threat to the rule of law.
The fact is that we have politicians who pander in trade agreements and other governing to the wealthy elite who are selling our country and our economy out to increase their profits. Now they will hide behind WTO decisions which is really a globalist conspiracy of corporate America.
Whoever got us into such things needs to be pulled from their figurative bed and and figuratively tarred and feathered.
Instead, they will pander to the wealthy elite until citizens say they have had enough. Hopefully we don’t have to do it Ferguson style.