Support of Legislative Action to Provide Meaningful Reforms of Checkoff Programs
July 14, 2016
Re: Support of Legislative Action to Provide Meaningful Reforms of Checkoff Programs
Dear Members of Congress:
We, the undersigned organizations, businesses and individuals call on Congress to support Senators Booker’s and Lee’s S. 3201 and Senator Lee’s S. 3200. These bills address the demonstrated, egregious marketplace abuses committed by the commodity checkoff programs (“checkoff programs”).
Checkoff programs were established to serve as mechanisms by which agricultural producers’ pool money for common promotional and research purposes. Fees are mandatory, from the smallest local farmer to the biggest factory operation. Checkoff dollars go to federal industry-specific boards, which are required by law to use these funds for mutually beneficial advertising campaigns and research.
In spite of this limited purpose, checkoff programs have repeatedly acted beyond the scope of their statutory mandate. Lax oversight by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) has resulted in collusive and illegal relationships between checkoff boards and lobbying organizations, both of which have repeatedly used checkoff funds to influence legislation and government action in spite of a broad statutory prohibition against these activities. Such advocacy efforts have an anticompetitive effect, benefiting certain producers to the detriment of others, and forcing some producers to pay into a system that actively works against them. Some of their tactics have gone so far as to expend government mandated fees to prevent new food products from entering the market.
For the future of America’s agriculture and its family farmers and ranchers, legislative action must be taken. Congress should pass the meaningful checkoff program reform package contained in S. 3201. This legislation addresses the most glaring abuses by the commodity checkoff programs, clearly and concisely providing:
(a) That checkoff boards shall not enter into any contract or agreement to carry out checkoff program activities with lobbying or special interest groups. While checkoff laws broadly prohibit the use of funds in any manner for the purpose of influencing legislation or government action, many programs have repeatedly ignored this constraint. In order to more effectively prevent boards from using funds for this unlawful purpose, which benefits certain producers while harming many others, strict separation of engagement between these boards and policy entities is necessary.
(b) That no board member, employee or agent may act if a conflict of interest exists. Conflicts of interest in the checkoff programs allow special interests to use program funds for the benefit of some assessed producers, at the expense of many other producers. Prohibiting conflicts of interest in these programs is necessary to ensure their proper and lawful operation.
(c) That federally mandated funds may not be used in an anticompetitive or disparaging manner in the marketplace. The checkoff programs are designed to promote their specific named commodity. They are not intended to damage other types of commodities, through anticompetitive conduct or otherwise. Prohibiting anticompetitive and similar conduct is necessary to ensure government dollars are not used to pick winners in the marketplace or to prevent new emerging products from finding their way into the marketplace.
(d) That checkoff board actions be transparent. Lack of transparency in checkoff programs enables abuses to occur and conceals them from being discovered. Requiring transparency in the expenditure of checkoff funds through publication of all budgets and disbursements is necessary to prevent and uncover abuses in these programs.
(e) That regular audits be conducted for each of the checkoff programs. Regular audits build confidence in those paying the funds that their federally mandated fees are being expended for the purpose Congress has provided.
Together, these provisions would eliminate the abuses and conflicts of interest plaguing the checkoff programs and will restore for U.S. producers credible, unbiased programs that can effectively and efficiently promote their individual commodities. It would further addresses the ongoing problem of cross-subsidization of checkoff and policy activities, as exemplified by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s (“ NCBA’s”) ability to materially offset and subsidize its policy-related costs and expenses with beef checkoff funds. The Beef Checkoff Program was never intended as a vehicle to strengthen the political voice of the NCBA or any other policy organization above the voices of any other organization or above the collective voice of the producers funding the program. Neither the NCBA nor any other private organization should be permitted to so substantially dominate the program or to so substantially reward itself for doing so.
Further, we strongly urge Congress to pass Senator Lee’s S. 3200. By making all checkoff program payments voluntary, it ensures those farmers, ranchers and businesses who choose to participate in their commodity checkoff program may do so. But it further ensures that those farmers, ranchers and businesses who do not want to participate may choose to not pay into a commodity checkoff program that does not benefit their business. Today’s commodity market is extremely diversified and segmented. It includes the world’s largest companies right down to the small farmer selling directly to their neighbors at their local markets. Given the complexity of this market, it is simply too challenging to have a single program that can remain fair, unbiased and beneficial to all participants.
We would greatly appreciate your support in helping to enact S. 3201 and S. 3200. Thank you for your consideration of this vital issue facing America’s family farmers and ranchers.
Alabama Contract Growers Association | |
Alabama State Association of Cooperatives, Forkland, AL | |
Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Oxnard, CA | |
Allotment Owners Association, UT | |
American Agricultural Movement, Inc. | |
American Federation of Government Employees Local 3354, St. Louis, MO | |
American Grassfed Association | |
BioRegional Strategies | |
Bold Nebraska | |
Border Agricultural Workers Project, El Paso, TS | |
Buckeye Quality Beef | |
Cattle Producers of Louisiana | |
Colorado Independent CattleGrowers Association | |
Community Food and Justice Coalition | |
Contract Poultry Growers Association of the Virginias | |
Dakota Resource Council | |
Family Farm Defenders | |
Farm Aid | |
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance | |
Farmworker Association of Florida, Apopka, FL | |
Federation of Southern Cooperatives Rural Training and Research Center, AL | |
Food & Water Watch | |
Food Policy Council of San Antonio | |
GROW North Texas | |
Independent Beef Association of North Dakota (IBAND) | |
Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska | |
Independent Cattlemen of Wyoming | |
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy | |
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement | |
Jasper County Mississippi Farm Bureau | |
Kansas Cattlemen’s Association | |
Kemper County Mississippi Farm Bureau | |
Land Stewardship Project | |
Missouri Rural Crisis Center | |
Missouri’s Best Beef Co-Op. | |
Missouri’s food for America | |
Murray County, Oklahoma, Independent Cattlemen’s Association | |
National Family Farm Coalition | |
National Farmers Organization | |
National Hmong American Farmers, Inc., Fresno, CA | |
National Latino Farmers & Ranchers Trade Association | |
Nebraska Women Involved in Farm Economics | |
Nevada Live Stock Association | |
Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance (NODPA) | |
Northern New Mexico Stockman’s Association | |
Northern Wisconsin Beef Producers Association | |
Organic Crop Improvement Association | |
Organic Farmers’ Agency for Relationship Marketing (OFARM) | |
Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association | |
Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) | |
Progressive Agriculture Organization | |
Progressive Agriculture Organization, PA | |
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union | |
Rural Coalition | |
Slow Food USA | |
Socially Responsible Agricultural Project | |
South Agassiz Resource Council | |
South Dakota Stockgrowers Association | |
Spokane County Cattlemen, WA | |
Taos County Economic Development Center, Taos, NM | |
Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners | |
Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) | |
Women Involved in Farm Economics | |
Individuals and Businesses: | |
2J Livestock, WA | |
3D Ranch, MO | |
4W Farm, WA | |
Adams Farm Slaughterhouse LLC, MA | |
AHBLEZA Ranch, MO | |
Alba Ranch, KS | |
Andrew Brubock, Denver CO | |
Anyan Acres farm, WA | |
Arrow S Inc | |
Bill Kluck, SD | |
Bonds Ranch, CO | |
Breaking Free, LLC | |
Brock Livestock Co 7 Laurel Leaf Livestock, LLC, WY | |
Callan Cattle Co, LLC, OH | |
Carruth Ranch, NM | |
Chris Peterson, IA | |
Collin and Kayla Stalley, Riverton, WY | |
Colorado Pro Steel, CO | |
Cougar Valley Ranch, WY | |
Country Fresh Farms, LLC | |
Craig & Jerika Brumbeloe, AL | |
Darol Dickinson, OH | |
David Hutchins, OH | |
David Pfrang, Ginny, and Nicole Pfrang, KS | |
David Wright, NE | |
Dean & Delia Johnson, Fairburn SD | |
Deep Creek Mountain Angus, UT | |
Dela Lenz, CO | |
Dobbins Farm | |
Doubting Thomas Farm, MN | |
Emmanuel Polled Herefords, WA | |
Everbe Farm, PA | |
Farson Flag Hill Farm, OH | |
Glen and Gail Johnson, Fairburn SD | |
Jack Twiford, Stanetta Twiford, Jacki Twiford and Tom Twiford, WY | |
Jaime Oberling, IL | |
Jessica Graybull, Kersey CO | |
Jodi Kubal, SD | |
Jonathan, Connie, Zack and Meagan Buttram, AL | |
Kathleen S. Kelley and Robert R. Kelley, CO | |
Kathryn Smith, UT | |
Kaycee Headrick, Ft. Collins CO | |
Kenny Fox and Roxie Fox, SD | |
Kimberlin Cattle Co., KS | |
King Ranch & Arena, WA | |
Larson Acres, KS | |
Lazy D Farms, MS | |
Lee Thomas Farms, Inc., MN | |
Lone Star Farm – Dexters, WA | |
Longhorns Head To Tail Store, LLC, OH | |
Lori Lyons, WI | |
Mark and Rose Bebo, WY | |
McGeary Ranch, TX | |
McPeak Partnership, ND | |
Michael (Mike) L. Schultz, KS | |
Mike Heaton, ND | |
Mississippi Farmers and Consumers United, MS | |
Pennsylvester Farm, PA | |
Queen farms, OH | |
Rawhide Quaterhorses, WY | |
Rick & Theresa Fox | |
Rockcreek ranches, WA | |
Rolling W Farm, OH | |
Ron Korman, Maxine Korman, Jess Korman, Kaiu Korman, MT | |
Ruth Laughery, MT | |
Sky Land & Cattle, PA | |
Sodak Angus, SD
Steve and Merridith Kimberlin, KS |
Stokes Farm, MS | |
Stull Family Farm, KY | |
Tyler and Tiff Robertson, Hermosa, SD | |
Uly Johnson Kersey, CO | |
Wagon Wheel Ranch, KS | |
Waller County Farmers and Ranchers Cooperative, TX | |
Weaver Farms, WV | |
Weber Ranch, WY | |
WJ Buttram Poultry, AL |