R-CALF Op-ed: Nevil Speer Deserves Our Gratitude – Speer and Bob Peterson truth …
Nevil Speer must be suffering the same delusion as IBP’s Bob Peterson:
“That is called importing.” https://youtu.be/FuYxM8laGCI?list=PLmT23RdkRk0oJbJ-7IlHmPBLgj40bDmt7&t=3409
I offer further evidence that imports have hurt the US cattle and beef industry. In a 2015 decision (TAA Decision 85160), a US Department of Labor investigation triggered by a United Food & Commercial Workers Trade Adjust Assistance (TAA) petition concluded that beef imports alone, (i.e., not even including live cattle imports) caused the shutdown of Cargill’s Plainview, Texas beef slaughter and processing plant.
“the increase in imports described in clause (ii)
contributed importantly to such workers’ separation or
threat of separation and to the decline in the sales or
production of such firm or subdivision”
At its peak, the Cargill-Plainview beef plant employed 2000 union scale jobs, which simply disappeared because of US beef production being displaced by beef imports. Although no other TAA petitions were filed, eight other beef plants closed down in the wake of 2011-12 drought, and I don’t think it’s a stretch to conclude that beef imports likely “contributed importantly” to their closures as well.
–R. Dennis Olson, UFCW Intl Union