Organization for Competitive Markets Media Advisory: Cowboys to Rally, Call on Trump Administration to Save American Cattle Rancher
Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) is hosting a rally and meeting to call on President Trump and U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Perdue to take action to ensure fair prices for cattle farmers and ranchers. If they fail to take swift action, America’s farmers and ranchers will go broke.
We’re mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. Since the repeal of mandatory Country of Origin Labeling for beef and pork in 2015, farmers and ranchers have seen the price they are paid for their cattle continually erode while meatpacking giants get rich. To make matters worse, following an August 2019 fire at a Tyson meatpacking plant, the Big Four meatpackers that control over 80% of the beef market have been gouging farmers and ranchers who now have even fewer options for selling their cattle. This past week, farmers and ranchers were losing over $200 per head while the monopoly meatpackers were making over $400.
Rural America helped get President Trump elected, and rural America needs the Administration’s help. It is time for President Trump and Secretary Perdue to take charge and take action. OCM calls on President Trump and Secretary Perdue to take six actions that they have the power and authority to take without an act of Congress. These actions are in line with the Administration’s priorities to “Buy American” and drain the swamp of corporate monopoly power.
Featured speakers:
- Corbitt Wall, journalist, agriculture market specialist, Cattle Market Summary
- Vaughn Meyer, Organization for Competitive Markets vice president and North Dakota cattle rancher
- Bill Bullard, Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) Chief Executive Officer
- Wes Shoemyer, Family Farm Action board member and Missouri cattle farmer
Sponsored by: Organization for Competitive Markets, R-CALF USA, Family Farm Action, Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska, Ameican Grassfed Association
Wednesday, October 2, 2019 from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM CT
Ramada Inn Ballroom
3321 South 72nd Street
Omaha, NE 68124
MEDIA NOTE: Media are invited to attend the rally and must RSVP. Set up is at 8:30 AM. A press area with A/V connection will be available.
CONTACT: Angela Huffman,, 614-390-7552
###Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) is a membership-based public policy research and advocacy organization headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. The mission of OCM is to work for transparent, fair and truly competitive agricultural and food markets.