Global corporations will own and control a majority of our meat supply!

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Trinity Vandenacre


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40 years ago, Only 36% of OUR US Beef market was controlled by the Big 4. Today it’s over 80%!!

This caused a disaster! There were over 1.2 MILLION cattle operations in 1980, but today….

There were only about 622,000 cattle farms and ranches left in the US! Coincidence?

Probably not. Having 80% or more of the market owned by only 4 companies is called….

Consolidation of the beef industry by only 4 companies. Now they could control the price by working together instead of competing with each other, but only if they wanted to. I am sure they wouldn’t….

The 4 companies that own or control over 80% of the beef market are called The Big 4, which are Tyson, Cargill, JBS (World’s largest meat supplier, based in Brazil), and National Beef ( Owned by Marfrig, which is a multinational company based in Brazil ).

That resulted in…

665,000 cattle ranchers OUT OF BUSINESS in America over just the last 40 years! The vast majority of these ranchers, possibly as much as 80%-90% were smaller local operations!

The end goal is….

The Beef industry will end up like the Pork industry! Yay!

Oh… wait!

The US had over 667,000 producers in 1980, but now has only 61,000 hog farmers left! Over 90% reduction!

That number leaves something out, however as ….

23%-27% of the pork industry in the United States is controlled by Smithfield Foods, which is owned by a company based in Hong Kong, China!

Good thing that’s not a problem. Phew! At least beef won’t become like…

The US Chicken market.

In 1980, there were approximately 6.8 million chicken farms in the US. As of 2022, there were approximately 168,000 chicken farms in the US, but the total amount of chicken being produced has stayed relatively stable!

This is interesting because….

Tyson Foods is reported to control over 22% of ALL the chicken market in the US in 2024!

Thank God the COMPLETE consolidation of our chicken market hasn’t impacted the price of eggs! That would be terrible!

In conclusion…..

If we do nothing to save the local independent cattle ranchers spread out across our great country, we have a guide to show us what will happen!

The disastrous result will be…

Global corporations, many of whom are based in other countries, will own and control a majority of our meat supply!

Oh, that’s right! They already do. The answer may be….

Building a new distribution system like the one @MikeCallicrate is operating in Colorado? Watch my video with him to decide for yourself.

Watch here: