Category: Daily

Ag Appropriations Bill Aims to Kill USDA Meatpacking Competition Rulemaking

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 17, 2023 Media Contact: Dee Laninga, dlaninga, 202-450-0094 Ag Appropriations Bill Aims to Kill USDA Meatpacking Competition Rulemaking Republican House Appropriators Cave to Corporate Meatpacking Lobby Washington, D.C. — The FY24 Agriculture Appropriations bill and summary released this morning by the House Appropriations Committee included a harmful provision to prevent USDA…

Investigate Midwest: Big Meat lobbyists are bullying lawmakers into submission

Big Meat lobbyists are bullying lawmakers into submission In his latest column, Dave Dickey takes on Big Beef’s big players — Tyson, JBS, Cargill and National Beef — and their shenanigans to protect their bottom lines. by Dave Dickey June 1, 2023 Ground beef meat products at a grocery store in Fairfax, Virginia. USDA Photo…

From Great American Prairie to Dried Up Industrial Wasteland

From Great American Prairie to Dried Up Industrial Wasteland Posted on May 31, 2023 by Mike Callicrate The first settlers came upon a vast grassland teaming with ruminant animals and wildlife. Rivers flowed from the mountain peaks to the west, bringing precious watr and life to the prairie land, and filling one of the largest,…

Letter to the editor: The Fence Post’s Rachel Gabel helps tighten industrial agriculture’s grip on Colorado

Concerning the lack of animal welfare in Colorado’s industrialized agriculture, and California’s Prop 12 – a response to one of the issues Rachel Gabel discusses in her recent editorial: Dear Rachel Gabel, As a mother, grandmother, gardener, retired faculty member, advocate for addressing our climate emergency,…I was appalled by your critique of Governor Polis’s comments…

Kenzy: OFF Act Sets New Standards for Government – What are they so upset about?

Kenzy: OFF Act Sets New Standards for Government . (Hall & Hall) By Brett Kenzy May 22, 2023 The following opinion by R-CALF USA president Brett Kenzy was submitted to Drovers in response to an opinion by NCBA president Todd Wilkinson, Fight the Animal Rights Groups Infiltrating Our Industry, published by Drovers (and many other…

Latest from Food Politics: Annals of greenwashing: the Beef Checkoff

by Marion Nestle May 24 2023 Annals of greenwashing: the Beef Checkoff I could hardly believe this ad in the New York Times last Friday. Cattle as a promoter of biodiversity? My usual question: Who paid for this? The only clue was the little checkmark and in tiny letters Funded by beef farmers and ranchers….

Will the last independent cattle producer please turn off the lights

Will the last independent cattle producer please turn off the lights News News | May 12, 2023 By Gilles Stockton, Montana Cattlemen’s Association Director It was inevitable that this day would come. Tyson Foods has now turned its corporate attention to absorbing independent cow/calf ranchers. Tyson pioneered the factory farm system for raising chickens, in…

Supreme Court upholds animal welfare law in blow to pork industry – Pigs are celebrating!

Supreme Court upholds animal welfare law in blow to pork industry By Teresa Cotsirilos, May 11, 2023 In a 5-4 decision on Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a California law that regulates the treatment of sows and other farmed animals and prevents the sale of meat products from other states that do not meet…

Denver Post: Colorado rancher is tired of paying a corrupt federal fee for meat-packing lobbyists

Opinion: Colorado rancher is tired of paying a corrupt federal fee for meat-packing lobbyists Pass the Opportunities for Fairness in Farming Act to reform the corrupt checkoff programs In this 2017 file photo, John May a custom cutter with 35 years experience works on a side of buffalo at Ranch Foods Direct in Colorado Springs….

Checkoff Reform Could Be a Key Issue in the 2023 Farm Bill.

Checkoff Reform Could Be a Key Issue in the 2023 Farm Bill. Mandatory checkoffs are regularly criticized for funding lobbying organizations cozy with corporate agribusiness. Grassroots farm groups say it’s time to terminate these commodity group slush funds. Bryce Oates Apr 20 Beef. It’s What for Dinner. Pork. The Other White Meat. Got Milk? These…