Month: June 2016

Costco’s Nebraska Poultry Processing Plant – Grower informational meetings announced

POULTRY CONTRACT INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS ANNOUNCED BY Nebraska Farmers Union | June 13, 2016 Home › News › Agricultural News LINCOLN, NE. In response to the proposed construction of a Costco-owned chicken processing plant in Nebraska, two national experts on poultry contracts and the poultry industry will make presentations and answer questions from participants at four…

New Food Economy Grows Up — An illustrated timeline

The new food economy grows up An illustrated timeline By New Food Economy June 8, 2016 Ben Karis-Nix Michael Pollan and The Omnivore’s Dilemma are part of a larger chain of events. Read the rest of our Pollan Week coverage here. Scroll past the illustration for detailed descriptions of each event. Dear Upton Sinclair, J.I….

Michael Pollan’s new Dilemma — Voting with your fork, he says, is so 2006. So what comes next?

Michael Pollan’s new Dilemma Voting with your fork, he says, is so 2006. So what comes next? By Joe Fassler June 7, 2016 Doug McLean If we could see what lies on the far side of the increasingly high wall of our industrial agriculture,” Michael Pollan wrote, in the introduction to The Omnivore’s Dilemma, “we…

R-CALF USA files suit against USDA over beef checkoff

R-CALF USA files suit against USDA over beef checkoff R-CALF USA alleges USDA’s allocation of checkoff funds violates the First Amendment rights of R-CALF USA members. Published on: May 31, 2016 The Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) filed suit against USDA on May 2, alleging that the agency’s beef checkoff…

NFU Recognizes Family Farms in Celebration of National Dairy Month — Processor controlled milk industry is bankrupting farmers

Subject: 6.2.16 NFU Recognizes Family Farms in Celebration of National Dairy Month Howdy, Dairy farmers are going broke at an alarming rate today because our national milk marketing systems and national milk policy has failed our dairy producers. That is what happens when our elected officials work for the milk processors instead of the milk…

Ban On Meat Packer Ownership: Too Little, Too Late

By Mike Callicrate Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, a longtime advocate for fair markets, is once again reintroducing a bill that would make it unlawful for meat packers to own livestock more than seven days prior to slaughter. Similar legislation has been introduced before, but the powerful packer lobby has always succeeded in killing it. Aside…

US balance of trade of major meats with FTA and non-FTA countries

Howdy Friends, The balance of trade data below from Dr. Ray highlights the painful reality that our U.S. balance of trade is higher and more positive with countries the U.S. does NOT have free trade agreements than it is with countries we DO have free trade with. A reasonable person would ask: “Why is that…