Month: March 2014

NOBULL: Meat Industry 1, Obama Administration 0

Meat Industry 1, Obama Administration 0 The president’s ambitious antitrust plan was no match for lobbyists with lots of cash. By Christopher Leonard Slate, March 4, 2014 This essay is excerpted from The Meat Racket: The Secret Takeover of America’s Food Business, by Christopher Leonard, published by Simon & Schuster. Read another excerpt from The…

NOBULL: A Farmer Struggles to Remain GMO-Free – An Interview With Iowa Farmer, George Naylor

Saturday, March 1, 2014 George Naylor has farmed GMO-free corn and soy in Iowa since 1976. Photo by Chris Henning. A Farmer Struggles to Remain GMO-Free by Tracy Fernandez Rysavy Green America, January/February 2014 George Naylor has been growing non-GMO corn and soy on his Iowa farm since 1976. He talked to Green America editor-in-chief…

NOBULL: Making a Racket: Christopher Leonard Goes Behind the Scenes in the American Meat Industry

Making a Racket: Christopher Leonard Goes Behind the Scenes in the American Meat Industry By Kerry Trueman on March 3, 2014 143 StumbleUpon0 38 Google +0 0 Factory farmed chickens have it bad, but in Christopher Leonard’s new meat industry exposé The Meat Racket, it’s the farmers who get plucked. Leonard, a former agribusiness reporter…

NOBULL: 5 Reasons Monsanto’s Science Doesn’t Add Up

FOCUS | 5 Reasons Monsanto’s ‘Science’ Doesn’t Add Up Katherine Paul, Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association Excerpt: "To hear the pesticide and junk food marketers of the world tell it, anyone who questions the value, legitimacy or safety of GMO crops is naïve, anti-science and irrational to the point of hysteria" READ MORE

NOBULL: Stockyards Act of 980 A.D.

NOBULL: Is Eye Cancer Behind the 8.7 Million–Pound Beef Recall?

Is Eye Cancer Behind the 8.7 Million–Pound Beef Recall? Anonymous sources say that cattle with eye cancer were slaughtered at the California plant. (Photo: CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP/Getty Images) February 26, 2014 By Willy Blackmore We know that the 8.7 million-pound beef recall touched everything from Hot Pockets to grass-fed steaks, that “unsound” animals sparked the USDA…

NOBULL: Don Stull — Meet Your Meat — What You Ought to Know About What You’re About to Eat

Don Stull Consider the meatpacker Despite The Jungle, Fast Food Nation, Slaughterhouse Blues, and other detailed exposes of miserable working conditions in packinghouses and factory farms, the public is more concerned about the welfare of farmed animals than the welfare of those who turn them into meat for our tables. In a 2010 national survey…

NOBULL: Beef producers can vote on Beef Checkoff

Beef producers can vote on Beef Checkoff February 28, 2014 Ohio agriculture. The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association has initiated a referendum that is currently ongoing to increase Ohio’s Beef Checkoff from $1 to $2 per head. Voting by mail ballot is underway with in-person voting set for March 18, 19, and 20 at the Ohio Department…