Month: October 2013

NOBULL: Study shows cattle growth promotant may not break down fully in water

Study shows cattle growth promotant may not break down fully in water By Meatingplace Editors on 10/8/2013 (The following study summary was posted on the University of Iowa website) Assessing the risk posed to aquatic organisms by the discharge of certain steroids and pharmaceutical products into waterways is often based on a belief that as…

NOBULL: What’s Actually In A Chicken Nugget?

What’s Actually In A Chicken Nugget? Reuters | Posted: 10/04/2013 3:12 pm EDT NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Stand-up comedians have long joked that some things, like the actual components of chicken nuggets, are better left mysterious. Recently, Mississippi researchers found out why: two nuggets they examined consisted of 50 percent or less chicken muscle…

NOBULL: RE: Monsanto to be awarded ‘Nobel Prize of agriculture’ — Food Sovereignty Prize definitely not goi ng to Monsanto

Hello, Mike. Another response to Monsanto and Syngenta receiving the 2013 World Food Prize is the Fifth Annual Food Sovereignty Prize, to be presented in NYC on October 15. In 2009 a group of North American organizations presented the first Food Sovereignty Prize to La Via Campesina at the Community Food Security Coalition conference in…

NOBULL: Country of Origin Labeling and the specious logic of the NCBA

Country of Origin Labeling and the specious logic of the NCBA "Specious" logic, as law schools teach, means an argument which looks okay at first glance, but on closer examination turns out to have fatal flaws. In practice, "specious" has become lawyer-speak for "I laughed until I cried." In texting, "specious" is spelled LOL. Arguments…

Monsanto to be awarded ‘Nobel Prize of agriculture’

Friends, In an obscene development, a Monsanto executive is winning this year’s ‘Nobel Prize of agriculture’ — the prestigious World Food Prize — for creating GMOs. Receiving it legitimizes the sort of rampant genetic modification Monsanto pioneered, and helps validate a ruthless business model that impoverishes farmers and monopolizes our food. If that wasn’t baffling…

NOBULL: Court Grants Four Groups’ Right to Defend COOL

Court Grants Four Groups’ Right to Defend COOL Farm, Ranch and Consumer Groups Allowed to Defend Merits of Commonsense Labels Washington, D.C. – The United States District Court for the District of Columbia granted R-CALF USA, Food & Water Watch, South Dakota Stockgrowers Association and Western Organization of Resource Councils motion to intervene and defend…

NOBULL: The American Economy is Not a Free-Market Economy

The American Economy is Not a Free-Market Economy By David Gordon September 28, 2013 Crony Capitalism in America, 2008-2012. By Hunter Lewis Those of us who favor the free market must confront a problem. The virtues of the market, and the vices of socialism and interventionism, have been made incontestably clear by Mises, Rothbard,…

NOBULL: Mother Jones: Does “Corporate Farming” Exist? Barely.

The more appropriate question is: Does corporate control exist? And, the answer is: Yes. There is a gigantic life changing difference between raw material procurement systems and healthy functioning markets. John K. Hansen Does "Corporate Farming" Exist? Barely. Corporations shy away from actually growing food. There’s just not enough money in it. By Tom Philpott…

NOBULL: Per-pound beef consumption lowest since 1950s — You want fries with that?

May I have a Pink Slime burger produced with Zilmax please? You want fries with that?

NOBULL: F.D.A. Bans Three Arsenic Drugs Used in Poultry and Pig Feeds –

F.D.A. Bans Three Arsenic Drugs Used in Poultry and Pig Feeds By STEPHANIE STROM Published: October 1, 2013 In resolving a longstanding dispute, the Food and Drug Administration has announced that it will rescind approval for three of the four arsenic drugs that had been used in animal feeds at the request of the companies…